We accept queries by email only.
We try our best to respond to all queries, but sometimes there is not enough time in the day with our commitments to our current clients.
We do not read attachments to query emails.
We do not respond to queries that are not directly addressed to us.
We do not represent picture books for children.
Please send your query letter in the body of an email and if we are interested, we will respond and ask for the complete manuscript or proposal.
There are no hard and fast rules for query letters and there are always exceptions to our preferences, but we prefer queries that: describe your book concisely; are well-written and typo-free; show an understanding of the marketplace and where your book would fit into it; and show why you are the best person to be writing the book you’re proposing.
Please send your query to:
Ecope@MarkCreativeManagement.com or
CopeAssistant@MarkCreativeManagement.com or
in the email field below.